Shipping policy


Some of our products come from international destinations for that reason that takes time in delivering to you. But nevertheless...

We have put a lot of emphasis on ensuring that items are delivered to our customers as quickly as possible. Regular Estimated delivery time: 12-20 days. We guarantee that you will receive your order in 20-56 business days from the date it is placed. Regular delivery takes no more than 30 days except in exceptional cases. Some of the products you buy may arrive before others because they could be from different suppliers from USA, Asia and Europe.

A confirmation email will be sent to you once the order is authorized and verified. We begin to prepare your order immediately after it is verified.

It normally takes 3-7 business days for us to process your order. Please note that this does not include holidays and weekends.

It usually takes 1-3 weeks for items marked "Priority Dispatching" to be ready for shipment.

Thank you for your patience!